About the trust
a short history

The Trust came into being on 24th March 1986. The trustees were Marion Milford, Auriol Milford and Anne Ridler. The object was and is to "promote the education of the public in the study, practice, knowledge and appreciation of music and the other arts - and more particularly the music of Robin Milford (1903 - 1959)... by encouraging, promoting and assisiting the publication, performance and recording of the music of Robin Milford."
Anne Ridler died in 2001, and Marion Milford died in 2009. Peter Hunter and David Pennant became trustees in 2009, joining Auriol Milford who continued until 2019.
Peter Hunter was organist and choirmaster of St Mark's Dundela, Belfast for many years. He has been determined to raise the profile of lesser known English composers through performance since he studied the organ with Gordon Phillips at All Hallows by-the-tower from 1971-75, whose concern this was. He completed an MPhil in Robin Milford, and his book, ROBIN MILFORD - A composer illuminated by his songs, appeared in 2009.

his sister, Pippa
David Pennant writes "My mother Alice and her older sisters Elizabeth and Margaret (Peggy) were the three daughters of John F R Stainer, son of the composer Sir John Stainer. Kirstie Newsom was governess to the three girls when they were children, and remained a lifelong friend. Kirstie married Robin Milford - Elizabeth married David Milford, Robin's brother (Marion Milford is their daughter), and Peggy married Alexander Shaw Newsom (Kirsty's brother). Mum often talked about Robin, and liked to play his piano music." David composes piano music and gives piano lessons.
Stephen Varcoe became our patron in August 2009.